Our current work

In our role as a coordinator and provider of technical support for IGAD and its member states, we are currently involved in numerous regional and national research initiatives to build resilience in the Horn of Africa.


spatial_tool_imageIn order to better measure resilience, and to better understand and target interventions that will enhance resilience, the Technical Consortium is developing a pilot spatial tool. The purpose of this resilience-modeling tool is to assist IGAD member states in the Horn of Africa in identifying areas of high and low resilience to known hazards, initially focusing on resilience to drought specifically. This identification of relative levels of resilience geographically will provide an opportunity for better targeting of investment projects proposed in the drylands’ investment plans for the respective countries.

The tool overlays multiple data layers indicating linkages and dynamic interactions between key indicators in systems affecting resilience. The result is a mapped output depicting a region’s relative resilience, derived from weighted indicators from three key systems: economic, social and ecological. The pilot development of the spatial tool will be trialed with various drought and environmental planning agencies in the IGAD member states to understand its utility in better enabling the targeting of investments and projects for the most impact in building resilience. Ultimately, it will allow governments in the Horn to host a sector-specific investment platform for improved planning and resource allocation.